Sunday, April 15, 2018

hurra to web series (and bonus track)

While reading Christian's OpenTV intro, I immediately thought of the web series I have watched online (I'm sure you already know this, which I think he references). One of my all-time favorites is an Argentinian web-series called Electrica, which tells the story of a TV production company (albeit a cheap one) that's trying to produce a short-series of interviews with a very famous comic artist (Liniers) as a host (it's very meta!). The story of this production fits Christian's description of OpenTV because Electrica's first season was produced by UN3.TV, which is the TV channel of Universidad de Tres de Febrero (public university) - meaning "film students and graduates, and television professionals" (p. 8). But also because the second season was financed by fans thanks to the crowdfunding campaign initiated in Ideame (they created a narrated pitch - you can see here), which also demonstrates direct connections between producers, fans and sponsors (I did not fund this, but I tweeted about the second season when it came out and the "lead character" replied back). The web series is currently available on Vimeo and YouTube, but I couldn't find any videos with English subtitles. For those who speak/understand Spanish, there's a link above, but also I'm leaving here a link to Episode 2 of season 1, which "renders visible the stakeholders necessary to create television" in a very meta way -- the production company has run out of money and needs to find sponsors, and so, when they eventually get a soup brand to give them money, the main assistant is shown leaving packets of instant-soup in the picture frames of the comic artist to get him to drink it.

Bonus track:
Because I couldn't find a video of this with English subtitles, I'm leaving below another Argentinian example of indie production that's gone viral (but it's not a web series), based on the messages left on a voice recorder found at a flea market. Enjoy!

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