Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Why They Should NOT Reboot Buffy the Vampire Slayer

In 1995 two channels launched within a week of each other because of the repeal of the 'fin-syn' allowed for studios to produce and distribute their own content on television--it's a lot more complex than that but this is surface-value background info. The two channels were the WB and UPN who were created by Warner Brothers and Paramount respectively. Both channels went through their faze of targeting African American audiences before they decided that young women were the demo that was their niche. The WB found this out before UPN with shows such as Dawson's Creek and a mid-series pick-up in 1997 Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
After the debacle that was the film adaptation of Joss Whedon's screenplay, this was his second chance to have his blond cheerleader defying the stereotype of her role in traditional horror films to be brought into the light. This time on his terms. The show was something different. In the Post-Network Era narrowcasting was something networks and broadcasters were still trying to understand and Buffy helped put the WB on the map. Buffy ran on both the WB and UPN for a combined 7 years defining the network that they both would eventually merge to become, the CW.
The importance this show has played in the evolution of these networks and television targeted to young women is the reason that this show should not be rebooted by Fox. In the age of streaming and on demand content, shows never die. We see continuations of shows like Gilmore Girls, Full House, X-Files and on and on. The problem with Buffy is that due to the nature of the show--dealing with immortal beings, vampires--it cannot be continued like these other shows. Fox wants to reboot it because they have been shown recently due to the show's 20th anniversary that fans are still invested in the show. Rebooting the show will undo everything innovative that the show did in the first place. Not only by having a strong female teenager as the main character, Buffy is imitated every time a show has a musical episode.  You still see the influence of Buffy on the CW through shows like The Vampire Diaries, and Riverdale just to name a few. The show that would be created today would not allow for the creativity that Joss was afforded before the first time Fox produced the show. Shows rarely get an order for 22 episodes anymore which means there is less time to experiment with format or have filler episodes. So episodes like Hush which has barely any spoken dialogue would most likely never see the light of day.
Another reason why Fox should just let it go is that Joss has moved on. He is able to work on pretty much anything he wants at this point. Why would he want to go back to showrunning something that he's already moved past. Yes he is involved in the comics that the show has continued through, but it's more of a side-project he oversees. Leave Buffy in the comics where we don't have to worry about characters that have changed people's lives being rebooted in a way that is not for the people who have loved the show for years. 

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