Thursday, March 1, 2018

Non-Core Post #1: Dipping into ~REaLitY~ with Carver Kings

To prepare for next week, I've been sampling different reality shows on various streaming services since there are very very few I've ever watched for an entire season. For those who didn't already see this on my Instagram story recently, Carver Kings is the reality show I never knew no one needed. I still haven't seen enough (just the first episode) to tell if it's a competition or just some drama-infused documentation of an elite service, but it is truly something to behold--people commission these carving masters to create huge and elaborate pieces for their personal whims and needs and all kinds of bizarre hilarity ensues. In the first episode, Mark and Ryan are tasked with carving a custom totem pole for some couple's fancy front porch; Mark is concerned that baby Ryan won't be able to handle it, and tbh, rightly so. Ryan is pretty good as a carver, but is characterized as lacking the foresight and instincts to remember things like the fact that eagles have tails, or that Mark will be super pissed to find that Ryan tried to "help" by finishing his part of the totem while Mark was at lunch. It's honestly really crazy and I intended to just watch that one episode before moving onto another pilot but I might just have to keep going. (Worth a glimpse at least--on Netflix :D)

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