Monday, February 26, 2018

Goatees — a non-core post

With the current lull of new TV, my partner and I have been catching up on Star Trek: Discovery. We just got to episode 10, "Despite Yourself." The crew finds themselves in an alternative dimension filled with... evil versions of themselves. It's a clear reference to Mirror, Mirror — the Empire's logo is similar, everyone carries daggers, and, yes, there is an evil Vulcan with a goatee. 

I found it fascinating because I was flipping out at the comparisons the whole time, thinking about continuity between the universes, about what it meant that only some of the audience will get the reference, and, combined with the readings this week, the role that economics probably played in the decision.

1 comment:

  1. I have been watching Star Trek: Discovery too, especially this new episode on the Mirror universe. Similarly, it took me back to the original series episode 'Mirror, Mirror because of the stark parallels you just mentioned. I would suggest watching the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode Crossover, because that one explores this 'Mirror Universe' beautifully, with proper evil humans, Cardassians, and Klingons, bringing them into their true element. What I loved about that episode is because it does not shy from showcasing the savage history of humanity, in fact glorifying it. I think Deep Space Nine and its following 4 Mirror Universe epsiodes (across seasons) took what was perpetuated by the Original series and took ownership.


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